Today I present a book I have already mentioned in my meme “Cover Lovers”, “Fearsome”, in the post of the meme you will also found its plot translated by me in Italian. Do not forget to participate in the giveaway for an ebook copy of this beautiful book. Fearsome by S.A. Wolfe Publication date: October…
Tag: Giveaway
Cover Reveal & Giveaway: "Sworn to Conflict" by Terah Edun
In these months I have had the pleasure to meet many authors, one of them is Terah Edun. If you remember I reviewed her first book in the Courtlight series, “Sworn to Raise”, and now I’m reading the second in the series, “Sworn to Transfer”, which, I must say, so far I’m liking a lot.…
Blog Tour: Review & Giveaway "Garden of Eden" by Kate Cowan
Sono una blogger fortunata. Non scherzo, davvero sono fortunata, perché ogni volta che decido di prender parte a qualche promozione o seleziono i libri da leggere trovo sempre autori interessanti e libri che mi piacciono davvero. E oggi ve ne presento un libro che ho letto tutto d’un fiato. I am a lucky blogger. No…
Cover Reveal & Giveaway: "The Time Zombies Became the Least of My Worries" (Boring Life #2) by Jen Naumann
Halloween is approaching, so how could I miss the cover reveal of today? We talk about the second book in the series “Boring Life” by Jen Naumann, “The Time Zombies Became the Least of My Worries”. The first book in this YA humorous series is “The Day Zombies Ruined My Life Perfectly Boring”. Are you…
Cover Reveal & Giveaway: "Push" (The Game #2) by Eve Silver
Today I show you the cover of the second book in the series The Game of Eve Silver, “Push”. I admit I had never read this saga, but I will do it soon because it has all the elements that I love in a novel. There is also a giveaway for an arc of the…
Book Blitz & Giveaway: "Kinetic" by S.K. Anthony
Kinetic by S.K. Anthony Series: The Luminaries, #1 Publication date: September 2013 Genre: New Adult Urban Fantasy Synopsis: Being strong is one thing. Being an unlimited source of power is quite another. Genetically altered by the Organization, Annie Fox takes down criminals CIA-style with her luminary strength. With nothing to mend but her broken heart,…
Book Blitz & Giveaway: "Contingency & Relativity" by Peggy Martinez
BOOK 1 Contingency by Peggy Martinez (Sage Hannigan Time Warper #1) Publication date: December 2012 Genres: New Adult, Time-Travel Synopsis: Eighteen-year-old Sage Hannigan wants to get back to her own time, preferably one that hasn’t been destroyed by an underworld plot brewing in Edwardian-era South Carolina. How hard can it be? All she has to…
Whirlwind Tour: Review & Giveaway: "Render" di Stephanie Fleshman
Quando mi sono iscritta al Whirlwind Tour, la mia prima idea è stata: voglio leggere questo libro! E credo di non aver mai avuto idea migliore. “Render” è il primo romanzo dell’autrice americana Stephanie Fleshman e fa parte di una serie che potrei definire mystery/thriller YA. Dico potrei, perché molte volte lungo il romanzo mi…
Excerpt & Giveaway: "Sworn To Transfer" by Terah Edun
I am very happy to host today the blog blitz of “Sworn to Transfer” (The Courtlight Series #2) by Terah Edun. If you follow me you know that I recently read the first book in the series, “Sworn to Raise”, which I recommend to everyone, and that I can’t wait to read the next one.…
Blog Tour: Excerpt & Giveaway "Render" by Stephanie Fleshman
Oggi inizia il whirlwind tour di “Render” e dato che la mia recensione del libro arriverà tra qualche giorno, ho deciso di pubblicare prima, un interessante estratto (e il favoloso giveaway legato al blog tour). Spero che vi piaccia! Today begins the whirlwind tour of “Render” and since my review of the book will come…