Oggi l’obiettivo è più arduo del solito: dare una distacca e giusta opinione su un libro che ho davvero amato. Probabilmente non ci riuscirò e finirò per scrivere “Amo questo libro, compratelo subito!”, ma inizierò con dei buoni propositi. “Intermix Nation” è il libro d’esordio della scrittrice M.P. Attardo e si tratta di uno distopico che è uscito a Marzo di quest’anno.
Ho ricevuto una copia di questo libro dall’editore in cambio di un’onesta opinione. Ringrazio anche Xpresso Book Tours per avermi inclusa in questo blog tour.
Today the goal is more difficult than usual: to give a detached and fair review about a book that I really loved. Probably I will not succeed and I will end up writing “I love this book, buy it now!”, but I will start with good intentions. “Intermix Nation” is the first book of the writer MP Attardo and it is a dystopian that came out in March this year.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest opinion. I also thank Xpresso Book Tours for including me in this blog tour.

Publication date: March 5th 2013
Genres: Dystopia, New AdultIntermix: to mix together, blend
North America, paragon of diversity, is gone. From its ashes, a new nation has arisen – Renatus – where the government segregates the surviving population into races, forbidding interracial marriage, mating, and love.
Eighteen-year-old Nazirah Nation is a pariah, an intermix, born of people from different races. When her parents are murdered in the name of justice, Nazirah grudgingly joins the growing rebellion fighting against the despotic government.
Overwhelmed with grief, consumed by guilt, Nazirah craves vengeance as a substitute for absolution. But on her journey to find the girl she once was, Nazirah must learn the hard way that nothing … no one … is purely black or white. Like her, every human is intermix, shades and hues of complex emotions. And those who can take everything away are also the ones who can give everything back.
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In italiano
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Nazirah Nation is dead.
So begins this novel and I could not certainly find better words. The girl who was once, a young and carefree girl with a difficult life, but still happy, no longer exists. It’s been almost four months since she found the lifeless bodies of her parents, but the picture is still vivid in her memory as if it happened just moments before. And ever since then her life has changed dramatically, now she lives in the Rebel Compound along with other rebels who want to fight against the despotic power of Medis, the inhabitants of the capital city. Her brother Nikolaus is the leader of the rebels, and she was trained to be in the future a leader like him, but she does not want to, that’s a life that she has noy chosen and is unable to fight for change it, or rather, does not have nearly the forces to do so. Being a intermix, the daughter of two persons of the different “races”, has made her a pariah and even an orphan without a home. And although there is her best friend next to her, the eridian Cato, can not help but be a disappointment for everyone.
All this will change quickly when his brother assigns her a special mission: to go to negotiate with a prisoner to obtain information against the government. And he is not like any other prisoner, no, he’s Adamek Morgen, the one who killed her parents and the son of the Chancellor of the entire country.
I do not know where to start, I loved all the characters, even those who appear to be more obnoxious, and right now I loved Adamek, one that should be considered the villain of the story, but… Well, you will find out!
The relationship between Adamek and Nazirah is addictive, a constant struggle between duty and pleasure, forgiveness and revenge. Nazirah hates him, but the more she knows him, the more she realizes not be the only one to have suffered, to hide deep scars in the skin. And if those of Nazirah are invisible scars, those of Adamek are there, in front of everyone’s eyes. I have asked myself many times, while reading, how I would react in place of Nazirah, and, above all, as a person if I would be able to forgive myself and the others. They both need a second chance, but is a long road ahead of them to get there.
The world in which they live is that of Renatus, a new nation was born from the ashes of the previous one, almost one hundred years before, after the end of the Final War. However, what has brought to the almost end of humanity according to the survivors? Multiculturalism, the difference in beliefs and cultures, and the Medis, those who actually govern, eliminated it, or almost. With a capital city and four nations, each “race” has a place to live and it is forbidden to mix together, marry with people of other “races”, otherwise contaminate the “pure” of the race. But Nazirah is not the only exception, despite the prohibitions, there are many intermix (also on the increase) and, although they are excluded from real life, unable to do anything, they will soon find their voice.
Every detail, every facet of the various countries and various city is unique and full of meaning. I love books very detailed and this is certainly one of those I most loved.
“Intermix Nation” is a book that I highly recommend, well written, with characters and themes that make you think and remain in your hearts. This is a stand-alone but I hope it turns into a series or that there is a sequel that tells more about these characters and their lives.
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Recensione in italiano
Non so proprio da dove partire, ho adorato tutti i personaggi, anche quelli che appaiono più antipatici, e sin da subito ho adorato Adamek, quello che dovrebbe essere considerato il cattivo della storia, ma… Beh lo scoprirete!
Il rapporto tra Adamek e Nazirah è coinvolgente, una continua lotta tra il dovere e il piacere, il perdono e la vendetta. Nazirah lo odia, ma più lo conosce, più capisce di non essere l’unica ad aver sofferto, a nascondere profonde cicatrici nella pelle. E se quelle di Nazirah sono cicatrici invisibili, quelle di Adamek sono lì, davanti agli occhi di tutti. Mi sono chiesta molte volte, durante la lettura, come avrei reagito al posto di Nazirah, ma soprattutto quanto una persona fosse in grado di perdonare se stessa e anche gli altri. Hanno entrambi bisogno di una seconda opportunità, eppure la strada è lunga davanti a loro per arrivarci.
Il mondo in cui vivono è quello di Renatus, una nuova nazione nata dalle ceneri delle precedenti quasi cento anni prima, dopo la fine della Guerra Finale. Cosa ha portato, però, quasi alla fine dell’umanità secondo i sopravvissuti? Il multiculturalismo, la differenza di credi e culture, che i Medis, coloro che di fatto governano, hanno eliminato o quasi. Con una capitale e quattro nazioni, ogni “razza” ha un luogo in cui vivere ed è vietato mescolarsi, unirsi con persone di altre “razze”, sporcare il sangue altrimenti puro. Ma Nazirah non è l’unica eccezione, nonostante i divieti gli intermix sono molti e anche in aumento e, sebbene siano esclusi dalla vita vera, impossibilitati a fare qualsiasi cosa, presto troveranno la loro voce.
Ogni dettaglio, ogni sfaccettatura dei vari paesi e delle varie città è unico e denso di significato. Adoro i libri molto dettagliati e questo è sicuramente tra quelli che più ho amato.
“Intermix Nation” è un libro che consiglio vivamente, ben scritto, con personaggi e tematiche che fanno riflettere e rimangono nel cuore. Si tratta di uno stand-alone ma spero che si trasformi in una serie o che ci sia un seguito che racconti di più su questi personaggi e le loro vicissitudini.
About the Author
M.P. Attardo is a twenty-something, part-time writer, full-time daydreamer. She has a college degree … is still trying to figure out what ever to do with it. She loves amateur baseball commentating, heckling, and overindulging. And putting her bizarre, gritty thoughts into words for all to read.
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