Dato che l’esperimento di Aprile è piaciuto molto ed è stato utile per me, replico anche questo mese con la lista dei romanzi, in inglese e in italiano, che mi interessano di più in uscita a Maggio.
Le uscite del prossimo mese sono davvero tante, tra serie che seguo da tempo, autori che ho già letto e romanzi con trame che mi hanno subito catturata siamo sopra i dieci libri, quindi aspettatevi una lunga lunga lista.
Maggio insomma si rivela come un mese molto pieno, non so quanti libri riuscirò a leggere, vista la sessione estiva che si avvicina, ma sicuramente leggerò The Heir di Kiera Cass (e vi ricordo di seguire la pagina Facebook per più informazioni sul mini-RA che io e Please Another Book inizieremo dal 6 Maggio).
E ora vi lascio alla mia selezione di libri in uscita questo Maggio.
5 MAGGIO | |
![]() (The Selection #4) Casa editrice: Sperling & Kupfer Lingua: italiano e inglese “Sono passati vent’anni da quando America Singer ha partecipato alla selezione e conquistato il cuore del principe Maxon. Ora, nel regno di Illea, è tempo di dare inizio a una nuova selezione. E questa volta sarà la giovane principessa Eadlyn a scegliere tra i trentacinque pretendenti arrivati a palazzo. Non si aspetta certo che la competizione possa regalarle la stessa favola d’amore dei suoi genitori. Ma scoprirà presto che il suo lieto fine non è poi così impossibile come aveva pensato.”
Casa editrice: Piemme Lingua: italiano “Linus, 16 anni, insieme a quattro adulti e una ragazzina di nove anni, si trova intrappolato in un bunker, uno spazio claustrofobico, da cui nessuno può fuggire. Sono stati rapiti da qualcuno che si è presentato loro ogni volta in modo diverso e non sanno perché sono stati scelti. Spiati da decine di telecamere e microfoni perfino in bagno, dovranno trovare un modo per sopravvivere.”
Casa editrice: Bloomsbury Children’s Lingua: inglese “ A thrilling, seductive new series from New York Times bestselling author Sarah J. Maas, blending Beauty and the Beast with faerie lore. When nineteen-year-old huntress Feyre kills a wolf in the woods, a beast-like creature arrives to demand retribution for it. Dragged to a treacherous magical land she only knows about from legends, Feyre discovers that her captor is not an animal, but Tamlin—one of the lethal, immortal faeries who once ruled their world. As she dwells on his estate, her feelings for Tamlin transform from icy hostility into a fiery passion that burns through every lie and warning she’s been told about the beautiful, dangerous world of the Fae. But an ancient, wicked shadow grows over the faerie lands, and Feyre must find a way to stop it … or doom Tamlin—and his world—forever. Perfect for fans of Kristin Cashore and George R. R. Martin, this first book in a sexy and action-packed new series is impossible to put down!” |
12 MAGGIO | |
![]() Casa editrice: Putnam Juvenile Lingua: inglese“A sumptuous and epically told love story inspired by A Thousand and One Nights Every dawn brings horror to a different family in a land ruled by a killer. Khalid, the eighteen-year-old Caliph of Khorasan, takes a new bride each night only to have her executed at sunrise. So it is a suspicious surprise when sixteen-year-old Shahrzad volunteers to marry Khalid. But she does so with a clever plan to stay alive and exact revenge on the Caliph for the murder of her best friend and countless other girls. Shazi’s wit and will, indeed, get her through to the dawn that no others have seen, but with a catch … she’s falling in love with the very boy who killed her dearest friend. She discovers that the murderous boy-king is not all that he seems and neither are the deaths of so many girls. Shazi is determined to uncover the reason for the murders and to break the cycle once and for all.
Casa editrice: Knopf Books for Young Readers Lingua: inglese ” In the year 2054, after decades of gender selection, India now has a ratio of five boys for every girl, making women an incredibly valuable commodity. Tired of marrying off their daughters to the highest bidder and determined to finally make marriage fair, the women who form the country of Koyanagar have instituted a series of tests so that every boy has the chance to win a wife. Sudasa, though, doesn’t want to be a wife, and Kiran, a boy forced to compete in the test to become her husband, has other plans as well. As the tests advance, Sudasa and Kiran thwart each other at every turn until they slowly realize that they just might want the same thing. This beautiful, unique novel is told from alternating points of view-Sudasa’s in verse and Kiran’s in prose-allowing readers to experience both characters’ pain and their brave struggle for hope.“ |
14 MAGGIO | |
![]() Casa editrice: Safarà Editore Lingua: italiano“Dara e Nick erano inseparabili prima che un terribile incidente lasciasse il bellissimo viso di Dara sfigurato, allontanando irrimediabilmente le due sorelle. Quando Dara scompare il giorno del suo compleanno, Nick pensa che la sorella si stia prendendo gioco di tutti per vendicarsi di un destino insostenibile e crudele. Ma quando anche un’altra bambina di soli nove anni, Madeline Snow, svanisce nel nulla, Nick si convince sempre di più che le due sparizioni siano collegate; e quanto più Nick scopre della sua enigmatica sorella e della doppia vita che conduceva prima dell’incidente, meno è sicura di voler conoscere la verità. Tuttavia oramai la posta in gioco si fa sempre più alta, mentre gli eventi la spingono verso un passato perduto e un futuro impossibile, animati dalla volontà di svelare il legame apparentemente insondabile tra le due ragazze che scompaiono. In questo romanzo acuto e coinvolgente Lauren Oliver crea un mondo di intrighi, perdite e sospetti mentre due sorelle cercano di trovare il doppio filo che lega indissolubilmente le loro stesse vite.” |
19 MAGGIO | |
![]() Casa editrice: Greenwillow Lingua: inglese “What if the world holds more dangers—and more wonders—than we have ever known? And what if there is more than one world? From Heather Dixon, author of the acclaimed Entwined, comes a brilliantly conceived adventure that sweeps us from the inner workings of our souls to the far reaches of our imaginations. Jonathan is perfectly ordinary. But then—as every good adventure begins—the king swoops into port, and Jonathan and his father are enlisted to find the cure to a deadly plague. Jonathan discovers that he’s a prodigy at working with a new chemical called fantillium, which creates shared hallucinations—or illusions. And just like that, Jonathan is knocked off his path. Through richly developed parallel worlds, vivid action, a healthy dose of humor, and gorgeous writing, Heather Dixon spins a story that calls to mind The Night Circus and Pixar movies, but is wholly its own.”
Casa editrice: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc Lingua: inglese “Not to be Chosen would yield a cruel fate of my own making.” Like all citizens since the Ruining, Carrington Hale knows the importance of this day. But she never expected the moment she’d spent a lifetime preparing for—her Choosing ceremony—would end in disaster. Ripped from her family, she’ll spend her days serving as a Lint, the lowest level of society. She knows it’s her duty to follow the true way of the Authority. But as Carrington begins this nightmare, rumors of rebellion rattle her beliefs. The whispers contradict everything she’s been told; yet they resonate deep within. Then Carrington is offered an unprecedented chance at the life she’s always dreamed of, but she can’t shake the feeling that it may be an illusion. With a killer targeting Lints and corruption threatening the highest levels of the Authority, Carrington must uncover the truth before it destroys her.“. |
20 MAGGIO | |
![]() Casa editrice: Full Fathom Five Digital Lingua: inglese “When your life is a lie, how do you know what’s real? Alexandra Gastone has a simple plan: graduate high school, get into Princeton, work for the CIA, and serve her great nation. She was told the plan back when her name was Milena Rokva, back before the real Alexandra and her family were killed in a car crash. Milena was trained to be a sleeper agent by Perun, a clandestine organization from her true homeland of Olissa. There, Milena learned everything she needed to infiltrate the life of CIA analyst Albert Gastone, Alexandra’s grandfather, and the ranks of America’s top intelligence agency. For seven years, “Alexandra” has been on standby and life’s been good. Grandpa Albert loves her, and her strategically chosen boyfriend, Grant, is amazing. But things are about to change. Perun no longer needs her at the CIA in five years’ time. They need her active now. Between her cover as a high school girl—juggling a homecoming dance, history reports, and an increasingly suspicious boyfriend—and her mission in this high-stakes spy game, the boundaries of her two lives are beginning to blur. Will she stay true to the country she barely remembers, or has her loyalty shattered along with her identity?” |
26 MAGGIO | |
![]() Lingua: inglese “Hidden in the Red Hill Mountains is the quiet town of Hollows Grove. In that town, there is a field where a secret is buried deep beneath the ground. And in that field is where Mila was found abandoned with no memory of her past and haunted by visions of the future. Nine years later, Mila’s life is almost as normal as any other eighteen-year-old. That is until she starts foreseeing the murder of Nyjah Bradley, a guy she’s never met before, but whose face is branded into her mind. Constantly plagued by the vision, Mila decides to track Nyjah down and warn him of his impending death. But when the search leads her back to Hollows Grove, she learns there’s more to the sleepy town than meets the eye. ”
Casa editrice: Balzer+Bray/HarperCollins Lingua: inglese “The Maze Runner meets Scott Westerfeld in this gripping new series about teens held captive in a human zoo by an otherworldly race. From Megan Shepherd, the acclaimed author of The Madman’s Daughter trilogy. When Cora Mason wakes in a desert, she doesn’t know where she is or who put her there. As she explores, she finds an impossible mix of environments—tundra next to desert, farm next to jungle, and a strangely empty town cobbled together from different cultures—all watched over by eerie black windows. And she isn’t alone. Four other teenagers have also been taken: a beautiful model, a tattooed smuggler, a secretive genius, and an army brat who seems to know too much about Cora’s past. None of them have a clue as to what happened, and all of them have secrets. As the unlikely group struggles for leadership, they slowly start to trust each other. But when their mysterious jailer—a handsome young guard called Cassian—appears, they realize that their captivity is more terrifying than they could ever imagine: Their captors aren’t from Earth. And they have taken the five teenagers for an otherworldly zoo—where the exhibits are humans. As a forbidden attraction develops between Cora and Cassian, she realizes that her best chance of escape might be in the arms of her own jailer—though that would mean leaving the others behind. Can Cora manage to save herself and her companions? And if so … what world lies beyond the walls of their cage?“. |
E voi? Che ne pensate della mia lista e che libri state aspettando?