Title: Unravel Me(Shatter Me #2)Author: Tahereh MafiLanguage: EnglishGenre: YA, Dystopia, Romance.Previous books (and my reviews): Shatter Me (#1) – Destroy Me (#1.5) tick tick tick tick tick it’s almost time for war. Juliette has escaped to Omega Point. It is a place for people like her—people with gifts—and it is also the headquarters of the…
Review: "The Pentrals" (The Pentrals #1) by Crystal Mack
Title: The Pentrals (The Pentrals #1)Author: Crystal MackLanguage: EnglishSource: Netgalley Courtesy of Apologue EntertainmentGenre: YA, Fantasy, Sci-fi. Picture your life without free will. No choice. No voice. No personal direction. For 17 years, it’s the only path I’ve known. Always a follower, never in control, I am an afterthought, burying my impulses as I bend…
Book Blitz & Giveaway: "Shades of Chaos"
Shades of Chaos Authors: Alexia Purdy, Cameron Jace, Chrystalla Thoma, Katie Salidas, Megan Duncan, Nadège Richards. Publication date: June 11th 2014 Genres: Dystopia, Young Adult Dare yourself to enter into post-apocalyptic future with this gritty collection of first-in-a-series books by six bestselling authors! Discover unique worlds packed with non-stop action, adventure, and suspense set against…
First Birthday Giveaway: "The Winner Takes it All"
Scegliere i vincitori del giveaway è stato difficilissimo. Giuro, la prossima volta faccio una commissione per decidere! Diciamo che mi sono fatta guidare dalla “pancia”, dalla sensazione del momento, leggendole e rileggendole fino ad impararle a memoria. Insomma grazie a tutti i partecipanti, ho adorato ciascuna citazione e mi avete trasmesso la passione dei libri…
Review: "Destroy Me" (Shatter Me #1.5) by Tahereh Mafi
Title: Destroy MeShatter Me #1.5Author: Tahereh MafiLanguage: EnglishGenre: YA, Dystopia, Romance, Novella. Perfect for the fans of Shatter Me who are desperately awaiting the release of Unravel Me, this novella-length digital original will bridge the gap between these two novels from the perspective of the villain we all love to hate, Warner, the ruthless leader…
Petrichor: First Birthday Giveaway!
Come avevo scritto nei giorni scorsi, il blog ha compiuto un anno e mi sembra giusto festeggiare questi 365 giorni (sì, forse ora sono un po’ di più) insieme. It’s giveaway time! 😀 Ho pensato molto a quale fosse il premio giusto da mettere in palio, ma poi ho capito che il regalo migliore è…
Review: "Shatter Me" by Tahereh Mafi (Shatter Me #1)
Title: Shatter MeShatter Me #1Author: Tahereh MafiLanguage: English, ItalianGenre: YA, Dystopia, Romance. Juliette hasn’t touched anyone in exactly 264 days. The last time she did, it was an accident, but The Reestablishment locked her up for murder. No one knows why Juliette’s touch is fatal. As long as she doesn’t hurt anyone else, no one…
Review: "Innocence" by Elise De Sallier (A Forbidden Love #1)
Title: InnocenceA Forbidden Love #1Author: Elise De SallierLanguage: EnglishCourtesy of The Writer’s Coffee Shop Publishing HouseGenre: NA, Romance, Historical Fiction, Regency. Ignorance is supposed to be bliss, but in Anneliese Barlow’s experience, it leads to unwise choices and unnecessarily tragic outcomes … and there is nothing blissful about either. Forced to flee her father’s brutal…
Review: "Attempting Elizabeth" by Jessica Grey
Title: Attempting ElizabethAuthor: Jessica GreyLanguage: EnglishGenre: NA, Romance, Chick Lit. Kelsey Edmundson is a geek and proud of it. She makes no secret of her love for TV, movies, and, most especially, books. After a bad breakup, she retreats into her favorite novel, Pride and Prejudice, wishing she had some of the wit and spirit…
Dystopia Masterpost #2
Ed ecco il secondo masterpost sulle serie distopiche! Per chi non conoscesse questo mio “esperimento”, ecco il link del primo masterpost. Riassumendo, come nel precedente, ho deciso di elencare dieci serie distopiche, o con elementi distopici, che sono state pubblicate anche in Italia (dal prossimo probabilmente mi occuperò di serie unicamente disponibili in inglese). Non…